The PhotoBiz Form & Contract Builder allows you to customize settings for what happens after your customer completes and submits their completed forms or contract. This guide will walk you through the steps of updating your custom form settings.
Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on the FORMS option on the left side menu.
Click on the FORM name you want to edit the form settings for.
Click on the gear icon to the top right and select the option for settings from the drop down menu.
Edit Your Custom Settings.
You have the ability to create and edit a Thank you message that will appear after a client submits a form.
THANK YOU MESSAGE: This message will display after the form is submitted.
SUBJECT: This will display after the form is submitted, this will also be the subject line if you're emailing a thank you message after someone submits their form or contract.
MESSAGE: This message will display after the form is submitted, this will also be the message if you've set the email to a thank you message after someone submits their form or contract.
EMAIL THANK YOU MESSAGE: This setting controls whether or not you want to send your thank you message and a copy of the form submission to your customer who completed it. The thank you message is also a great place to add additional information to clients that you want them to receive automatically after completing the form. Having that information sent to them automatically via email is a great way to simplify your workflow.
EMAIL NOTIFICATION: If you leave this section blank, email notifications are sent to the email address you use to log into your PhotoBiz account. You can include multiple emails here, separated by a comma.
CUSTOM CONFIRMATION PAGE URL: This allows you to choose where clients can be redirected after they submit the form. This is optional so if left blank, clients will remain on the form page. A great way to use this feature is if you're setting up an incentive for customers to join your email list, such as providing them with a free informational PDF or if you create a custom landing page for form submissions.
Be sure to click on the SAVE CHANGES button once you've changed anything in this section.