Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on WEBSITE in the left-side menu.
Scroll down to the bottom of the BUILDER section and click on the FOOTER option below your pages.
Click on the SITEMAP button in the right side column to add the Sitemap block to your website footer.
Click anywhere inside your sitemap block or click on the Pencil icon on the top right corner and click on advanced to open the sitemap settings.
You can organize your Sitemap by using columns and items. The links in your Sitemap are items and arranging them in columns will line your items up side-by-side. You can name your columns to serve as headers for a group of items.
Click on the New Column button to add a column.
Enter a name for your Column in the LABEL section and click on the create column button.
Once you've created your column(s), you'll see them listed in the items section of your footer.
Click on the COLUMN NAME to add items to the sitemap.
Click on the NEW ITEM button.
The label for your item is what will appear on your site for visitors to click on. Your selections under LINK TO determines where a user will go upon clicking on your item's label. You can choose to connect your item to a variety of areas.
Link options include:
- NONE: Your item would not be linked anywhere.
- EXTERNAL LINK: Direct your clients to helpful resources that exist in a place other than your website.
- PAGE: Direct your visitors to an existing web page on your website.
- FORM: Connect to a Custom Form you have created in your FORM BUILDER.
- MARKETING: Direct users to a Campaign or Landing Page you have created in the MARKETING tool.
- FILE: Allow users to open a PDF, JPG, PNG, or GIF file that has been uploaded to the DOCUMENTS area of your account's FILES section.
- PHONE: Connecting your item to a phone number allows users to quickly click to call you.
- EMAIL: Connecting your item to an email address opens a user's default mail client to easily send you an email.
- ADDRESS: Allow users to find where you are by opening an address in Google Maps.
- VIDEO: Add a video embed code obtained from YouTube or Vimeo to play in a light-box.
Click on CREATE ITEMS at the bottom to add your item to your sitemap.
The styling section includes two styling options: Space Below Blocks and Space Inside Blocks. These styling sections will override the settings that have been picked in the global styling section under the DESIGN tab in your control panel.
- Space Below Blocks: Controls the amount of space before the next block begins.
- Space Inside Blocks: Controls the amount of space at the top and bottom of a block.
The color section includes three color options. These colors will override the colors that have been picked in the global color picker section under the DESIGN tab. Click on the color square or enter the HEX color code to customize the color for the following sections:
The customized flag will appear next to any color you've selected to override the global color picker for your website.
Click on save changes at the bottom to apply your color updates.
You can add a background image to display behind your Sitemap by adding a background image. You can upload your own custom background image or choose one from the Background Library. You can customize how the background image is displayed under the Background Settings.
If you upload a Custom Background or select a file from the Background Library, you can customize how the background image is displayed under the Background Settings from the following 4 different options:
- Tile: Will tile your image to fill the background
- Top Left: Will align your image to the top left
- Centered: Will align your image at the center of the available space
- Cover: Will scale your image to be as large as possible to completely cover the background
Click on Save Changes to apply your changes to the background settings.