The PhotoBiz Website Package has the blog tool integrated into the control panel. You can upload images to the image block in the blog post builder. This guide will walk you through how to add images to your PhotoBiz blog posts.
Important Note: The Image Blocks in the blog post builder will allow you to upload a maximum of 50 images in each block. If you need to upload more than 50 images to a post, you can add another image block to your post.
Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on BLOG in the left side menu.
Add a new blog post or click on the title of the blog post you want to upload images to.
In the toolbox to the right of your blog post editor, click on the IMAGES button and add an images block to your blog post content.
Once you've added the block, click on the Images block or click on the pencil icon and click on advanced to access the images.
Click on the upload button to upload your images.
Once you've uploaded your images, you can add alt text, titles, and captions to your images, link your blog post images to other pages, and also reorder them if you want to.
Once you've uploaded your images, you can also choose the image block layout for your blog post. There's 8 different image layouts available for blog posts:
- Stack
- Stack Mini
- Square
- Collage 5
- Collage 6
- Portrait 2 Columns
- Landscape 2 Columns
- Pinboard
The selected image block layout will be outlined in teal, simply click on the SAVE button to apply the image layout to your image block.
The last icon in the image block allows you to choose whether a visitor to your blog post can click or tap on an image in your blog post to open in full screen mode.