Note: Client Galleries was formerly known as Proofing.
PhotoBiz Client Galleries allows you to create private galleries for your clients to view and/or order their images from their session with you. By default, new events are set to expire 30 days from the creation date, which you can change to be as long or short as you need to fit your workflow. PhotoBiz does not automatically delete events from your control panel, so if you have an event that expires, it will no longer appear on the website but you can change the expiration date and extend the availability of your client's event as needed. This guide will walk you through the steps of changing the expiration date on a Client Gallery event.
Log into your PhotoBiz account and click on CLIENT GALLERIES in the left side menu.
Click on the event name you want to update the expiration date for.
Click on the GEAR ICON in the top right of your event details.
Update The Expiration Date
Here you will see the expiration date and can change it by typing your desired expiration date in the field provided or by clicking on the calender icon next to the date to choose a date from a calendar.
After you select the new expiration date, please click save changes.